Friday, July 23, 2010

Salsa Dancing!

Tonight I went to a Salsa Dancing class.My dad had been urging me to make the most of staying in center city, and attending a dance class seemed like a good choice of something that I could go to by myself and something that would not bring me into contact with people who were drunk or creepy.

Salsa Dancing, or any other kind of dancing, is not something that scares me, and it is even something I don't mind looking silly doing. The more monumental facts about tonight were that I went somewhere (and back) by myself, and I made the decision to go only 90 minutes before the class started.  In the space of about 20 minutes, I went to the website of a dance studio I had considered joining before, concluded I could make it to the 7pm class, consulted one other person, and decided that I would go.

The class itself was pretty fun. There were 9 students and the instructor, for a total of 5 women and 5 men. Most of the students were a group of young people (20-somethings?) who seemed to know each other and were pretty nice, and there were a couple of older guys as well.  We learned a few basic steps, and then we spent the rest of the time practicing them in sequence and rotating partners. There was one guy who seemed a bit confused, but everyone else was able to lead sufficiently. All in all, this was a successful experience, and I think I would go back for other classes in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What are you afraid of...? Going out alone? Contact with others? Making decisions? Why monumental? Who usually thinks for you?
