Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So this past week my plan was to tweet more. I wanted to tweet more often in general, and I also wanted to try tweeting at specific people or replying to tweets. So, what is scary to me about twitter? Mostly just that I don't want people to judge me for using it, whether it be other twitter users for doing it wrong or one of my friends in that very vocal "Twitter is stupid! Facebook status updates are stupid! Why would you use those!" camp. Consequently, even though I created my account way back in 2008, I didn't start actively reading tweets or contributing my own until a few months ago.

So how was it? It was actually pretty fun. I had trouble finding five people to tweet to because it seems weird to tweet at celebrities or Phillies beat reporters, and not many of my (few) followers are people I actually know. Interestingly, it seems that my tweets during Phillies games have earned me a few new followers, none of whom I know. Thanks guys!

So, moral of the story is I'm gonna stick with this twitter thing for awhile. Stupid or not, it's pretty entertaining, and I find it a good way to access the news too.

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